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A Man And His Marriage

September 20, 2020 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Stand Alone Sermons

Topic: Marriage Passage: 1 Peter 3:7

While both the husband and the wife play a significant role in developing and maintaining a happy, fulfilling, God-honoring marriage, the primary burden for the state of the marriage relationship clearly rests on the husband’s shoulders. They are the ones who ultimately will have to give an account to God someday for the amount of time and care and energy they invested in their marriage. Sadly, too many husbands tend to be insensitive and inattentive to their wives and desperately need to learn how to treat them in a way that is radically different from the way men typically treat their wives. In this verse, Peter exhorted men to relate to and engage with their wives in the TWO WAYS that will minister to them the most and lead to the best marriage possible.





James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” These questions are designed to help you apply today’s message to your life. We encourage you to thoughtfully answer these questions and discuss your answers with others. For more information about joining a Grow Group that uses these questions as the basis for weekly discussion, prayer, and accountability, please call the church office at (936) 582-1977.


  1. What is the biblical basis for holding husbands more responsible for the state of their marriage than their wives (i.e. initiators/pursuers vs. receivers/responders-cf. Gen. 2:18; 1 Tim. 2:12-13; Eph. 5:25-27; Rom. 5:8; 1 Jn. 4:19)?
  2. Why is it so vital for married couples to regularly spend undistracted, unhurried time together? What happens when a husband and wife don’t make communication a top priority? What is one thing you can do to improve how you communicate as a couple?
  3. How does a husband practically pursue his wife? In what ways do women want to be pursued?
  4. How does a husband practically prize his wife? In what ways do women want to be prized?
  5. According to 1 Peter 3:7, how does a man’s relationship with his wife affect his relationship with Christ and how does his relationship with Christ affect his relationship with his wife? What is the connection between the two relationships?
  6. Husbands, is there anything in your life apart from Christ more important to you than your wife? Wives, do you feel like you are the most important thing in your husband’s life? Why or why not? 
  7. Praise and thank God for providing men such helpful insight into the heart of a woman. Ask Him to forgive you if you’ve been insensitive and/or inattentive toward your wife. Ask Him to help you pursue and prize your wife so that your relationship with her and God will both thrive.  

“The glory of man is his wife. Nothing tells you more about a man than what you see in his wife. When you look into the countenance of a man’s wife, you will see everything he has invested or withheld. You will see what kind of character he has.”

Bill McCartney in The Measure Of A Man by Getz, 10

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