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The Reverent Life Of The Redeemed

December 12, 2021 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: First Peter

Topic: Sanctification Passage: 1 Peter 1:17–21

 "If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth;" 1 Peter 1:17

THEME: The “fear of God” is a neglected subject in the church today, even though it is a central theme in Scripture. Many times the Bible talks about fear negatively and refers to it as a bad thing that we are not to do and from which Christ came to rescue us. But at the same time, the Bible talks about fear positively and refers to it as a good thing, specifically, the many references to “fearing God." Peter’s words in this passage provide us an accurate, healthy, balanced understanding of this potentially confusing paradox. The first thing we need to understand is “fearing God” does not mean being scared of God or cowering in His presence. Fearing God is better understood as revering Him, honoring Him, respecting Him, and standing in awe of Him in light of who He is and what He has done for us. In vv. 17-21, Peter gave TWO MOTIVATIONS for us to fear God which is the only appropriate response when we consider the preciousness of His Son Jesus and the enormousness of the cost He paid to save us from our sin. This text answers the question, “What makes God worthy of our reverence, awe, and respect?”





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