Sundays at 9:00am & 10:45am

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When We Obey

April 9, 2019 Speaker: Chris Del Aguila

Topic: Repentance


When we  obey,  we show we are His, we show we are  His

When we  obey,  we show we love Him, we show we love  Him 


For by grace, you have been saved

For by grace, you have been saved through faith

Free to love and honor Him

Christ the Lord our King, Christ the Lord our King


When we be-lieve, we turn from our sin, we turn from our  sin

When we be-lieve, our hearts follow Him, our hearts follow  Him



For by grace, you have been saved

For by grace, you have been saved through faith

Free to love and honor Him

Christ the Lord our King, Christ the Lord our King


Jesus said,” If, you love, me keep my commands”  (3x)

Jesus said,” If, you love, me keep my commands”


When we  obey,  we show we are His, we show we are  His



For by grace, you have been saved

For by grace, you have been saved through faith

Free to love and honor Him

Christ the Lord our King, Christ the Lord our King