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God's Absolute Primacy

November 19, 2014 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: The Minor Prophets

Topic: Prophets

The Bridge

Haggai - God’s Absolute Primacy

Haggai’s prophecy came at a time when the people of Judah were extremely vulnerable. They had been humbled by their exile to Babylon, hopeful in their return to their Promised Land, and then so discouraged by opposition in their rebuilding of the temple that they quit (Ezra 4:24). Now, sixteen years later, with Haggai blaming their lack of food, clothing, and shelter on their failure to rebuild the temple, the Jews were receptive to his message of rebuilding the Lord’s house.

Unlike most of the other prophets, Haggai explicitly dated his prophecies, down to the day. He gave four separate messages, the first on August 29, 520 BC (Haggai 1:1); the second on October 17, 520 BC (2:1); and the final two on December 18, 520 BC (2:10, 20). The people of Judah were encouraged by these messages and finished building the temple. Haggai’s prophesies also renewed their hope in God and His promise of blessings in the future.

After thousands of years, the book of Haggai remains largely unique among the books of the Old Testament prophets for one key reason: the people of Judah listened! Haggai’s message to rebuild the temple was passionate, simple, and straightforward (v. 1:8). No one could mistake whether or not his direction had been followed, for the results would be evident for all the people to see. Through the physical act of rebuilding the temple, the people began to indicate a shift in their spiritual lives: from devotion to self toward devotion to God.

What specific changes do you need to make in your life so that God can be given primacy? Let us consider our ways and evaluate our priorities so that we may experience His abundant blessings.

More in The Minor Prophets

December 17, 2014

God's Rightful Honor

December 10, 2014

God's Glorious Reign

November 12, 2014

God's Certain Judgment