Same-Sex Marriage - A Case Study In Being Salt and Light
July 1, 2015 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Salt Of The Earth
Topic: Marriage
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Summer Super Study
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In light of the recent landmark Supreme Court case legalizing same-sex marriage, Pastor Ramey expounds on why this topic is the perfect opportunity to be salt and light to our lost neighbors and to any confused brothers and sisters in Christ.
There are many misled Christians who are going to extremes: Passivity and acceptance on one end, and vicious condemnation on the other. A correct biblical approach is Christ-like compassionate confrontation.
God’s word is filled with passages that condemn homosexuality, and promote only a marriage of a man and woman. Homosexuality is a satanic attack on God’s design for sexual purity and marriage. We must be prepared to loving confront this issue with the truth of God’s word and a genuine love for those who are lost and confused.
As Romans 1 describes, we are seeing God progressively turn our country over to their sinful desires (v.24), and then over to their shameful lusts-homosexuality (v.26), and then finally over to a depraved mind (v.28).
We must be prepared to give an answer for our hope (I Peter 3:15) but with gentleness. We are to live our lives in such a way that the lost will have nothing to say against us (I Peter 2:12). Further, we must be prepared to be persecuted for identifying with Christ (Matt 5:11).
We should always be loving and welcoming to homosexuals, but never accepting or condoning of their sinful practice. We are obligated to confront sin, and to share truth and forgiveness with those that are in darkness.
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