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First Things First - Pt. 1

September 10, 2017 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Stand Alone Sermons

Topic: Love Passage: Revelation 2:1–7

First Thing First - Part 1

THEME: We use the expression “first things first” when we are talking about something that should be done or dealt with before anything else because it is the most important.  The most important thing for the Christian is loving Jesus. However, every true and honest believer knows that Christ is worthy of far greater love than we are capable of expressing. What’s more, we don’t always love Him the way we should. The world’s distractions and the sheer busyness of life tend to dampen our devotion to Christ. And our enemy Satan is constantly trying to lure us away from loving the Lord. At times our passion for Christ ebbs and fades. The fervor or fire in our hearts dies down and needs to be rekindled. If that describes your heart, don’t be discouraged. Your condition is not beyond recovery; there is hope. In Jesus’ letter to the church in Ephesus, He prescribed a remedy for those who have fallen out of love with Him.THE CORRESPONDENT (v. 1)

  1. THE CITY (v. 1)
  2. THE CHURCH (v. 1)
  3. THE COMMENDATION (vv. 2-3, 6)
  5. THE CORRECTION (v. 5)


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