The Forefather Of Faith - Pt. 2
May 13, 2018 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Romans
Topic: Faith Passage: Romans 4:1–25
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Sunday Service
The Forefather Of Faith - Part 2
Romans 4:1-25
THEME: It is impossible to understand the point of the Bible, namely God’s incredible plan of salvation, without understanding the story of Abraham. Abraham is one of the most well-known biblical characters, mainly because of the significant role he played in the drama of redemption. The Jews in Paul’s day revered Abraham as their great patriarch and considered him the most righteous man who ever lived. As the founding father of the Jewish nation, in their minds, he was the ultimate example of a godly man who was acceptable to the Lord based on how he lived his life. From their perspective , their was no better illustration than Abraham that a person is justified by works. But from Paul’s perspective, Abraham’s life demonstrated the exact opposite, that a person is justified by faith apart from works. And here in Romans 4, Paul, like the brilliant attorney that he was, used the Jews’ star witness against them to prove that justification is by faith not by works. He presented FOUR FACTS regarding how Abraham was justified or made right with God to prove that the only way anyone can be saved is by faith alone in Christ alone.
1. Abraham was not justified by works (vv. 1-8)
2. Abraham was not justified by circumcision (vv. 9-12)
3. Abraham was not justified by the Law (vv. 13-17)
4. Abraham was not the only one justified by faith (vv. 18-25)
Thank God for granting you the faith to believe that He will do what He said He will do, particularly in regards to your salvation. Ask Him to increase your faith in the midst of life's trials and burdens.

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