The Joy Of Justification
May 20, 2018 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Romans
Topic: Joy Passage: Romans 5:1–11
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Sunday Service
The Joy Of Justification
Romans 5:1-11
THEME: In several of the Psalms that David wrote, he expressed the joy in his heart for the many ways and times God had saved him from all sorts of difficult, threatening situations. He was thrilled with God’s salvation and whoever has experienced God’s salvation through the person and work of Jesus Christ should be equally elated. Sadly, however, there are times when we as Christians lose a sense of wonder of how awesome God’s plan of salvation really is or we drift away from God or fall into some sin and lose the joy of our salvation. Too often the initial joy we had when we became a Christian wears off. Iff that describes you, this passage will help restore the joy of your salvation; it will put that skip back in your step and that smile back on your face that you had when you first got saved. in the opening chapters of Romans, Paul explained why we need to be justified and how we are justified. Now here in Chapter 5, he explained what happens to a person who has been justified. In verses 1-11, Paul presented EIGHT BLISSFUL BLESSINGS that every believer should be overjoyed by as a result of being justified through faith alone in Christ alone.
1. We should be overjoyed that we have peace with God (v. 1)
2. We should be overjoyed that we have access to God (v. 2)
3. We should be overjoyed that we can share in the glory of God (v. 3)
4. We should be overjoyed by the trials sent from God (v. 4)
5. We should be overjoyed that we are loved by God (vv. 5-8)
6. We should be overjoyed that we will escape the wrath of God (v. 9)
7. We should be overjoyed that we are reconciled to God (v. 10)
8. We should be overjoyed in God Himself (v. 11)
Praise and thank God for His wonderful gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. Ask Him to forgive you for being apathetic or indifferent to the great work He has accomplished in your life. Tell Him you want Him to be your exceeding joy (cf. Psalm 43:4). Ask Him to help you become a bold ambassador for Christ who faithfully and passionately appeals to people on Christ’s behalf to be reconciled to God through faith in His death and resurrection (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

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