Safe and Sound (Part 2)
August 18, 2019 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Romans
Topic: Love Passage: Romans 8:31–39
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The phrase “safe and sound” is typically used whenever we talk about the end of a dangerous trip. For instance, we might say, “We made it home safe and sound” meaning we made it home free from injury and without any accidents. The Christian life is an arduous, perilous journey filled with a myriad of spiritual dangers in the form of difficult trials, tempting pitfalls, satanic schemes and snares, nagging doubts, worldly distractions, etc. That is why we need to constantly be reminded that by God’s grace we will make it home to heaven safe and sound. In vv. 31-39, Paul provided FOUR REASSURING REALITIES based on the past substitutionary and present intercessory work of Christ that remove our doubts and relieve our fears that we might not make it home to heaven safe and sound.
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