Focusing In On False Teachers
February 7, 2021 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Romans
Topic: False Teachers Passage: Romans 16:17–20
THEME: In this final chapter of Paul’s letter to the believers in Rome, he modeled a theology of Christian friendship; namely how to love others well. Love is not just appreciative; it is also protective. When you truly love someone you want to protect them. That’s why Paul didn’t just commend his readers but he also cautioned them. Paul knew that no believer and no church, no matter how mature and well-established they may be, is immune to the deceptive and divisive influence of false teachers. So at the end of this epic epistle, he warned the believers in Rome to remain vigilant at all times for those who may seek to deceive, disrupt, or divide them and undo all that he just got done teaching them. In vv. 17-20, there are SIX WAYS to avoid being duped by false teachers.
- Keep your eye out for false teachers (v. 17a)
- Steer clear of them (v. 17b)
- Catch on to their motives and tactics (v. 18)
- Develop discernment (v. 19)
- Bear in mind who is behind false teaching (v. 20a)
- Rely upon the grace of God in Christ (v. 20b)
James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” These questions are designed to help you apply today’s message to your life. We encourage you to thoughtfully answer these questions and discuss your answers with others. For more information about joining a Grow Group that uses these questions as the basis for weekly discussion, prayer, and accountability, please call the church office at (936) 582-1977.
- Have you or someone you know ever been exposed to or led astray by false teachers? Who are some wolves you are aware of who are disguised as pastors, teachers, authors, singers, etc.
- Why is it so important for you to remain vigilant at all times for those who may seek to deceive, disrupt, or divide the members of Christ’s church?
- What are the kinds of things believers should and shouldn’t divide over? Are you or someone you know guilty of compromising the truth of God’s Word for the sake of unity?
- Do you hold a doctrinal belief or personal conviction so strongly that you could end up creating a faction or causing a division in the church? What can you do to avoid that from happening?
- Have you or someone you know remained blindly loyal to a particular church that teaches heresy or blindly followed a particular preacher who lives a hypocritical life? What steps can you take to part ways with them or help others separate themselves from a false church or a false teacher?
- Read Hebrews 5:11-14 and 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22. Based on these verses, what is discernment and how can you become a more discerning person?
- Thank God for granting you His grace which enables you to live out the principles in this passage. Ask God to forgive you if you have been “too nice” to separate from professing Christians who are teaching error or living in sin. Ask God to help you grow in discernment and remain vigilant at all times for those who seek to deceive, disrupt, or divide the members of our church.
“It is true that Christian believers are to display boundless charity to all men and women.
It is also true that they are to be uncompromisingly intolerant of error.”
Stuart Olyott, The Gospel At It Really Is, 160
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