"For they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." Acts 17:11
Our desire is to provide trustworthy Christian literature and CD’s/DVD’s that will help people grow in their understanding of God and His Word so they can live a life that is pleasing to Him. Our Resource Center has a large selection of books covering a wide range of subjects including Theology, Bible Study, Prayer, Christian Living, Marriage, Family, Counseling, Church, Leadership, Missions, Evangelism, Biographies, Children, Youth, and Contemporary Issues.
Recommended Books
Below are some highlights of books by topic:
Stemming from Packer's profound theological knowledge, Knowing God brings together two important facets of the Christian faith― knowing about God and also knowing God through the context of a close relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. Written in an engaging and practical tone, this thought-provoking work seeks to transform and enrich the Christian understanding of God.
Bible Study & Prayer
Believer's Bible Commentary
William MacDonald
The commentary, written by the late William MacDonald, explores all 66 books of the Bible and tackles controversial issues from a theologically-conservative standpoint while also presenting alternate views. Believer’s Bible Commentary is a great introduction to Bible study, giving clarity and context to scripture in easy-to-understand language and practical application.
Christian Living
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Donald Whitney
By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity.
Marriage & Family
When Sinners Say I Do:
Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage
Dave Harvey
Dave's writing style embraces the reader as he speaks honestly, and sometimes humorously, about sin and the power of the gospel to overcome it. He opens the delightful truth of God s word and encourages the reader to see more clearly the glorious picture of what God does when sinners say "I do."
Biblical Counseling
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands
Paul David Tripp
In many ways, the church today has more consumers than committed participants. We see church merely as an event we attend or an organization we belong to, rather than as a calling that shapes our entire life. This is a comprehensive treatment of how God uses people as tools of change in the lives of others, people who themselves are in need of change.
The Church & Leadership
Biblical Eldership:
An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership
Alexander Strauch
Biblical Eldership is a comprehensive look at the role and function of elders and shared leadership into focus. It explores the essential work of elders, their qualifications, and their relationships with each other. Written for those seeking a clear understanding of the mandate for biblical eldership, this full-length, expository book defines it accurately, practically, and according to Scripture.
Missions & Evangelism
Tell the truth: The Whole Gospel Wholly by Grace Communicated Truthfully & Lovingly
Will Metzger
Biblical illiteracy among evangelicals is on the rise. Theological discernment between truth and error is increasingly elusive. We need to be recalibrated not to the changing times but to the changeless gospel. As useful as it is passionate, Tell the Truth will refocus and re-energize a whole new generation to communicate the whole gospel, wholly by grace, truthfully and lovingly.
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor
Written by Taylor's son and daughter-in-law, it shows us a man with fierce faith who believed that God truly would fulfill all He promises in Scripture. For Christians longing for the inward joy and power that Hudson Taylor had, they can find the secret to it here. The secret, it turns out, is available to any who call on Christ's name.
Thoughts For Young Men
J.C. Ryle
There are four great temptations that plague most young men: sloth, lust, love of pleasure, and peer pressure. J.C. Ryle -- the last of the great Puritans -- tackles each of these subjects with a tenderness and tact which is unsurpassed. First written toward the end of the nineteenth century, it remains to this day the most relevant and helpful book on the subject in print.
The Gospel for Children: A Simple, Yet Complete Guide to Help Parents Teach Their Children the Gospel of Jesus Christ
John Leuzarder
This book does something we sometimes take for granted: it methodically teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ to young children. This is of no small importance because, as we learn from the first chapter of Romans, this Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
Contemporary Issues
The Gospel According To Jesus: What is Authentic Faith?
John MacArthur
In The Gospel According to Jesus, MacArthur tackles the idea of “easy believism,” challenging Christians to re-evaluate their commitment to Christ by examining their fruits. MacArthur asks, “What does it really mean to be saved?” He urges readers to understand that their conversion was more than a mere point in time, that, by definition, it includes a lifetime of obediently walking with Jesus as Lord.
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