Sundays at 9:00am & 10:45am

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We exist to glorify God by proclaiming and living the truth of His Word
so people come to know Jesus Christ and grow to be like Him.

Featured Event

Adventure Club is a high energy program that will reach children age 3 through 5th grade. ... Read More

News & Resources

A list of Weekly Events as well as Up Coming Events at Lakeside Bible Church...Read More

Paul himself was a great example of what it looks like to rejoice no matter what. He remained joyful when was persecuted, slandered, falsely accused, mistreated, arrested, imprisoned, and even when he was facing the threat of martyrdom for the cause of Christ. Nothing could steal his joy because he was convinced that all the difficult cir...Read More

All people of all time and in all places can know certain truths about God because of the creation around them and their conscience within them. And this general revelation is completed by special revelation wherein God reveals certain truths about Himself through the Scriptures; especially the truths about Jesus Christ, His Son and our S...Read More