Whose Slave Are You?
December 2, 2018 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Romans
Passage: Romans 6:15–23
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Sunday Service
Whose Slave Are You?
Romans 6:15-23
THEME: The classic illustration of salvation in the Old Testament is the nation of Israel being delivered from slavery to Egypt. After they had been set free, God led them directly to Mt. Sinai to give them the Law in the form of 10 Commandments. He wanted to make it clear to the Israelites that He hadn't delivered them from slavery to Egypt so they could live however they wanted; they were to serve and obey Him. Like Israel, we were rescued from slavery to sin so we could serve and obey our new master Jesus Christ. That's what it means to be a Christian; to be a slave to Christ. To be a slave of Christ is to be free to joyfully and wilingly please God and live the way He created us to live and experience all the blessings and benefits He intended for us. In the first half of Chapter 6, Paul explained that we are no longer enslaved to sin. Here in the second half of this chapter, he explained that we are now enslaved to God. In these verses, Paul compared and contrasted the TWO SLAVERIES that all of us must choose from in life.
A. THE PROOF = obedience to sin
B. THE PRODUCT = increasing unrighteousness
C. THE PROMISE = eternal death (i.e. hell)
A. THE PROOF = obedience to God
B. THE PRODUCT = increasing righteousness
C. THE PROMISE = eternal life (i.e heaven)
Thank God for freeing you from slavery to sin so you can joyfully and willingly obey and serve Him and live the way He created you to live and experience all the blessings and benefits He intended for you. Ask Him to use you to help those who are still enslaved to sin find true freedom through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
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